Apaczka is a leading e-commerce logistics and shipping platform operator based in Poland, which offers comprehensive delivery services to any country in the world through two different shipping platforms: Apaczka.pl, for small and medium-sized enterprises and small home offices; and migiem24, for private individuals.
Acquired by 21 Concordia in 2017, throughout the holding period Apaczka enjoyed strong growth in direct sales and the volume of parcels sent, with a total of 6 completed strategic acquisitions. While strengthening the managerial structure, Apaczka diversified its supplier base thanks to new agreements and invested in online marketing, doubling its workforce.
Apaczka today has over 40,000 clients compared to 16,000 at entry and has increased the volume of parcels sent to 8 million compared to 2.4 million in 2016, continuing to record a positive growth trend even during the dramatic covid-19 emergency.
All these elements contributed to the meaningful progress of Apaczka in the last 3 years, which led to strong growth in sales, achieving a CAGR of over 15% between 2017 and 2020, and over 35 million in sales expected in the present year.
Apaczka's growth includes the creation of Shared Value for the benefit of the company, its employees, and its clients.
21 Concordia has signed an agreement to sell its stake in Apaczka to Abris Capital Partners in October 2020.
Kluczowe dane
€M 10
Przychody na wejściu
8 M
wysłanych paczek w 2017 (w tym pro-forma 5.3 M w rezultacie przejęcia)
klienci krajowi I zagraniczni
na polskim rynku pośredników kurierskich pod względem wielkości sprzedaży i liczby obsługiwanych paczek
"Apaczka falls perfectly in line with the increasing demand for delivery e-services, allowing to foresee greats prospects for the company’s development. We are convinced that, with the experienced management team in place, we will be able to implement our ambitious plans both in terms of organic growth and acquisitions."
Edgar Koleśnik